Bryan Erwin
Trust Leadership Adviser and Attendance Lead
Our Attendance support comprises the following:
For Attendance Officers:
- Half termly face-to-face visits to review attendance procedures and impact on reducing children with PA and SA
- Half termly provision of DfE national and regional attendance benchmarks
- Guidance and support on new regulations relating to attendance matters
- Termly network meetings with attendance officers to share good practice
- ESBA packs/ materials readily available to schools experiencing young people with ESBA
For Trustees / Governors:
- Twice a year attendance report comparing schools in the Trust against national DfE data. This includes recommendations of Trust wide actions to further reduce PA/SA’s
- Support and guidance for new senior members of staff in managing and reducing PA/SA’s
For Headteachers / Senior Leaders:
- Twice a year attendance report comparing schools in the Trust with their own academy.
- Support and guidance for new senior members of staff in managing and reducing PA/SA’s
- Offer of external agency support to explore the reasons for low attendance in specific year groups
For Pupils / Students / Parents:
- Support for academies when dealing with parents to address low attendance patterns
- Clear Trust wide communication of parental expectations