Ben Erskine
Executive Principal and Safeguarding Lead
Our Safeguarding Service support comprises the following:
For the DSLs:
- Termly meetings with each lead DSL in each school
- Attendance and quality assurance of each safeguarding meeting to ensure all policies and procedures are being consistently followed
- Sharing of best practice during termly DSL network meetings
- Signposting of various services, support to all DSL leads
- Training CPD opportunities and sharing of universal provision opportunities

For the Trustees / Governors:
- Termly feedback report on safeguarding on all schools to Trustees and Chair of Governors
- Training on key areas of safeguarding
- Part of the school review team with discussing safeguarding with Headteacher
For the Headteachers:
- Consultation of SEND strategic aims by headteachers to formulate Safeguarding aspect MAT developmental plan
- Overview of safeguarding practices and procedures in each individual academy and ensuring correct and consistent application of safeguarding framework
- Termly feedback of safeguarding improvements in each individual academy to Headteacher
Pupils / Students / Parents:
- A promise to parents and pupils / students that each individual academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children
- The expectation that all children have a right to be protected from abuse regardless of their age, gender, disability, culture, language, racial origin, religious belief or sexual identity
- The expectation all suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately in accordance with its academies’ Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies
- The expectation that all staff in all educational settings will be trained and constantly updated with safeguarding updates and new safeguarding information
- For parents to be reassured that all staff in all of our academies know the procedures that should be followed should they have any concerns about a child. All staff know where to go should they require some information, help and guidance
- For parents to be reassured that all of the academies have clear signage of who the DSL are both for staff and pupils / students