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  • SEND

    Bernie HarrisonBernie Harrison, Trust SEND Lead
    Trust SEND Lead

    Our SEND Central Service support comprises the following: 

    For the Trust SENCOs:

    • Half termly SENCo network meetings. A supportive environment for SENCo’s to network, discuss case work and workload
    • Training day opportunities a on wide variety of subjects. A SENCo network training day calendared every year
    • 1:1 support for each SENCo when required to support challenging cases, grievances, mediations and advisory role
    • Auditing of each SEND department every year. Audit report written with feedback given to Headteacher, Governor and CEO
    • Termly drop-in sessions and catch up with each SENCo
    • Behaviour Panel and Alternative Provision paperwork support
    • Permanent Exclusion consideration meeting and IRP support
    • Setting up and sharing of Trust led provision in areas such as: SALT, Positive Moving and Handling, TeamTeach, First Aid
    • Providing observation and subsequent reports on individual pupils / students with the view to seeking external support
    • Cascading of training to all staff in individual schools, based on need
    • Further development and support with Young Carers role, CIC and attendance officer: termly meetings, EBSA toolkit support, training of roles
    • Liaising with external agencies on behalf of the school and ensuring that all professionals are held accountable to their remit

    A photo of students working in the classroom

    For the Trustees / Governors:

    • Auditing of each SEND department every year. Audit report written with feedback given to Headteacher, Governor and CEO
    • Ensuring termly feedback report on all schools, from all central Trust staff to Trustees and Chair of Governors
    • Permanent exclusion consideration meetings and IRP support available when required
    • Training on key areas of SEND and legislation
    • Part of the school review team with discussing SEND with Headteacher
    • Ensuring that Trustees are regularly briefed

    For the Headteachers:

    • Termly feedback on their SEND department and next steps improvement plan with 1:1 meeting
    • Consultation of SEND strategic aims by Headteachers to formulate SEND MAT Development Plan
    • Advice and guidance on challenging cases
    • Offer advice and guidance on permanent exclusion consideration meeting, SEND grievances and IRP
    • Support to ensure SEND provision and practice is reflected on the academy website
    • Offer of CPD opportunities for whole staff training days
    • Ensure each school website is up to date with statutory documents and reflects good SEND practice

    For the Teaching Staff:

    • Training sessions for whole school staff on specialist subject areas: ASD, ADHD, Adaptive Teaching, developmental trauma - fostering better understanding and empathy for pupils / students who are neuro divergent. Embedding of good practice with clear strategies
    • In class support, offering advice and guidance on in class provision and pace of lesson
    • Implementing key adaptive teaching strategies to promote good teaching practice in the classroom

    For the Pupils / Students / Parents:

    • Monitoring of key pupils / students with complex need in ensuring that action plans in place are suited to need of the child
    • Ensuring correct provision is in place for pupils / students with SEND
    • Ensuring that there is compassionate understanding for students with SEND in a mainstream setting
    • Ensuring that all policies and practices are SEND friendly and legally compliant
    • Support, advice and guidance with parents for pupils / students with SEND and complex needs
    • Support for parents in signposting and securing specialist placements
    • Tracking and monitoring with SENCo of pupils / students and ensuring all data has been understood and all external agencies have been accessed and escalated
    • Screenings and observations of young person, with parental consent, with the view to securing more support