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  • Curiosity
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  • Admin and Governance

    Debbie SandersonDebbie Sanderson, PA to the CEO, Trust Admin and Governance Lead
    PA to the CEO and Trust Admin and Governance Lead

    Our Admin and Governance Central support comprises the following:

    For the CEO:

    • Organisation and management of CEO’s academic school diary
    • Creation and oversight of the Trust calendar
    • Organisation of central Trust staff weekly meetings, record and minute taking
    • Organisation and management of weekly Trust leaders’ meetings
    • Official record and minute taking of PMR for headteachers
    • Official record and minute taking of line management meetings between CEO and each individual headteacher
    • The liaison point between external contacts and CEO
    • Responsible for Trust website and accurate capture of the Four Cs Trust
    • Responsible for the management of marketing, PR optics of Four Cs Trust
    • Responsible for collection of termly updates from Central Trust staff
    • Responsible for the overview and update of Trust local offer and calendared training events
    • Organisation of training events, room allocation, numbers allocation, and housekeeping
    • Specialist clerking for weekly Trust leadership and strategic meetings
    • Organisation and overview of Trust’s training offer
    • Organisation and overview of Headteachers’ two-day conference. Preparing schedule, housekeeping and organisation of PowerPoints and information gathering on the day
    • Collation of feedback on all training days and centralisation of all training day PowerPoints as part of Ofsted evidencing
    • Organisation of school review at the end of the academic year and ensuring that all parties are invited
    • Organisation of school exam review meetings at the start of each academic year and ensuring that all parties are invited

    For the Headteachers and Schools:

    • Permanent Exclusion clerking, and oversight of administration for this area, to ensure a consistent approach; support with arranging Independent Review Panels as required
    • Overview and oversight of all Headteachers PA’s and ensuring consistency of good practice

    For the Trustees / Governors:

    • Clerk to Trustees, collection of Trust papers from individual schools
    • Oversight of governance at Local Governing Committee level, providing support, advising Clerks and Governance Professionals, quality assuring agenda setting, minute taking and general Clerking responsibilities
    • Administering and facilitating training for Trust leadership colleagues, Governors and Trustees
    • Acting as Complaints Manager, being first point of call for complaints that have exhausted the Trust’s Complaints Policy at school level, administering from that point, liaising with school colleagues, appointing an Investigating Officer from the Trust leadership team and co-ordinating the response

    For School PAs / Trust Staff:

    • Specialist clerking for central Trust staff network meetings
    • Collection and deadline reminders of Central Trust staff reports
    • Termly PA network meetings to enforce consistent approach to PA, across the Trust
    • Signposting of good practice and good examples/templates
    • Sharing of good practice and experience to increase knowledge across the Trust of PA expectations
    • Clerking of Performance Management Review and line management meetings with CEO