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  • Curiosity
  • Confidence
  • Courage
  • Constancy
  • Manor Drive Primary Academy

    School Logo

    Porter Avenue, 
    Peterborough, PE4 7EP
    Telephone: 01733 598001
    Headteacher: Emma Marks

    At Manor Drive Primary Academy, we aim to provide a positive environment that celebrates the whole child. Our curriculum is broad and balanced, research based, and places a high degree of importance on all areas of learning to allow every child to succeed. We strive for the highest-quality of teaching and value interpersonal relationships between staff and children within an environment that is safe, respectful and child-centred. We believe the educational journey every child embarks on should be filled with engaging first-hand experiences, knowledge and language-rich classrooms, excellent resources and a focus on achieving the highest levels of social, emotional and academic development. We are a school that values our families and wider community as we work together to ensure our children develop key life skills and instil our values of working hard, being kind and being brave.

    A photo of the Headteacher walking with 4 pupils