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  • Curiosity
  • Confidence
  • Courage
  • Constancy
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    1.  What do the Four Cs stand for?

    Curiosity, Confidence, Courage, Constancy.  The words are taken from a famous Walt Disney quote.  The Trust wishes to encourage curiosity, confidence, courage and constancy.  To facilitate this aspiration, the most important gift we can provide is that of confidence.

    2. What will change when a school joins the Four Cs MAT?

    The Four Cs MAT endeavours to ensure that all schools retain their own unique style whilst always being open to sharing best practice and improving outcomes for children.  The MAT’s Executive team will work closely with a school who is interested in joining the MAT .

    3.Is it likely that the curriculum between MAT schools will be synchronised?

    There are no plans to synchronise curriculums within schools, but the MAT will always consider benefits of parity alongside respective MAT Headteachers.

    4. Does the MAT support extra-curricular activities throughout its schools?

    Absolutely.  Events take place in Physical Education and Performing Arts, creating competition and collaboration in these areas amongst the children in the various schools.   The MAT is working on further links to bring  schools together.  Being within a MAT will provide a real opportunity for extra-curricular collaboration.

    5. What is the aspiration for the size of the Four Cs MAT?

    Schools are only considered for the MAT if it is strategically right for both school and MAT, geographically local and whether they can add to what we already have and benefit from it.  If the MAT grows too much more, there will be a need to change the infrastructure.  It is not our philosophy to spend excess money on central services to the detriment of schools within the MAT.  The MAT needs to provide a clear infrastructure of support but must ensure value for money in providing these services.

    6. There are challenges in teacher recruitment.  In the future do you envisage collaborative recruitment applying across the MAT?

    This has been modelled in the primary phase between two of our schools and has proved very successful.  Collaborative recruiting is never ruled out, if necessary for a specialist element.  The question will always be raised as to ‘would it help’?  It is felt that it may afford opportunity for staff development and could encourage staff to remain longer within the MAT.

    7. What systems and processes are likely to merge for economy of scale for schools within the Four Cs MAT?

    There is not a checklist.  Due diligence will always be considered as to what would work well, and what wouldn’t.  Any partnership work should make things better.  The MAT could consider burdensome and costly areas to collaborate in but there would need to be a period of time spent ‘getting to know’ this and look at things in context.

    8. What are the advantages for schools joining the Four Cs MAT?

    • A greater influence on the outcomes for young people
    • Staff development opportunities for all staff across the MAT and improved recruitment
    • Opportunities for experienced senior staff to be involved in the development of the MAT
    • A move to Multi-Academy status is seen as a recognised endorsement of success
    • Funding implications – schools able to benefit from economies of scale eg Admin, Finance, Premises
    • School to school collaboration to include the sharing of best practice in the classroom and peer support at all levels of leadership and management

    9. What other strategic elements are involved within the Four Cs MAT?

    The Four Cs has another ‘home-grown’ entity at the heart of all operations:

    • Teach East (School Centred Initial Teacher Training) – providing local supply of trainee teachers (

    Academies within the Four Cs MAT are actively encouraged to participate in Teach East.

    10. What is the role of the Trust Board and the CEO?

    The Trust Board (appointed by the Members) of the Four Cs MAT delegates responsibility for the delivery of the Trust’s vision and strategy to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

    In the Scheme of Delegation, the Trust Board will hold the CEO to account for the performance of the Trust, including the performance of all Academies within the Trust.

    The CEO will in turn hold other members of the Executive Management Team to account by line-managing them.