The Four Cs Academy Trust
Please see our team members below.
Chief Executive Officer & Executive Principal (Secondary Phase)
As an educationalist for 35 years plus in all facets of school organisation, including 20 years plus as a Headteacher, I am now in the fortunate position to be the CEO of the Four Cs Trust. The ability to positively affect over 5000 students is an honour and a privilege. I work with a board of Trustees and a central service to ensure the standards and opportunities for the young people are the highest possible. The outcomes and performance measures of the schools within the Trust are second to none and I believe parents who are willing to place their child within our schools can feel confident in that they will achieve their maximum potential within a culture of creativity and care.
Executive Principal (Primary Phase) and Principal - Fulbridge Academy
I have dedicated over 20 years to education, gaining considerable experience in primary school leadership. Throughout my career, I have led in all areas of primary education and currently serve as Executive Principal. In this role, I focus on teaching and learning, assessment, safeguarding, and the strategic line management of primary school headteachers. My background includes working in a Pupil Referral Unit, primary schools, and supporting schools on behalf of the local authority. Additionally, I have served as a Specialist Leader in Education and have led professional development initiatives for national education organisations. Helping schools reach their full potential is both a rewarding and fulfilling aspect of my work, and I am passionate about making a difference to the staff and students at our schools.
Chief Financial Officer
Having worked as a Physics teacher, Head of Science and in senior management teams in three Peterborough secondary schools, I was appointed to the role of Deputy Headteacher at Arthur Mellows in September 2007 with responsibility for curriculum, HR, finance and project management. During this time, I have played a leading role in all areas of school improvement, Academy conversion and formation of the Four Cs MAT in March 2014. From September 2021 to September 2023, I took on the role of Head of College at Arthur Mellows Village College. Throughout this time, I have maintained responsibility for financial management as Chief Finance Officer for the MAT, directing investments and resources to achieve the best outcomes for students.
Early Years Lead
I have worked as a class teacher across the Primary Phase for over 20 years before I moved into the position of an Assistant Headteacher at Discovery Primary Academy. This role includes the leadership of EYFS, whole school Literacy development, the monitoring, assessment and evaluation of reading (including early reading and phonics) alongside other leadership responsibilities. My role within the Trust is mainly focused on the Early Years, where I provide support and training on an individual academy level; meeting their priorities, aims and objectives. I also work collaboratively with multiple academies across the Trust to offer training, Phase Leader networking, moderation, evaluation and assessment support. My priority in any work I do is to put the needs of the children first. This is the driving factor to any decision, discussion or evaluation made. Every student matters, irrespective of background or educational need and I take pride in driving positive outcomes and successes.
I have been very fortunate to have worked in Education for over 25 years, having worked in various educational settings and countries, both as a classroom teacher, and in the world of SEND. This is an area that is constantly changing and evolving. I am passionate about the belief that education should be transformative in a young person's life and be a vehicle for them to become productive citizens in our society. I have been clear in my philosophy, that early, high quality intervention, should allow children with disabilities to maximise their potential and access as much of the curriculum as possible. Currently in my role of Trust SENCo, I overview SEND across all Trust schools and ensure that young people with SEND have the correct level of support and provision to allow them to make progress and achieve their potential.
Primary Support
With over 22 years of headship experience, I’ve successfully led a small village school, one-form and three-form entry primary school across Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, and Lincolnshire. Along the way, I’ve developed extensive expertise in all aspects of school leadership, including finance, HR, premises management, health and safety, and team development, while maintaining a strong focus on curriculum, teaching and learning. In addition to leading my own school, I am currently supporting other primary schools across the Trust, working closely with new headteachers to help them build confidence and develop their leadership skills. My goal is always to ensure schools flourish and provide the best possible outcomes for their pupils.
PA to CEO and Admin and Governance Lead
I have worked in school administration since 1998 and started my role at Arthur Mellows Village College as PA to the Head of College in 2008. Since that time, I have led the admin process through two outstanding Ofsteds, single academy status and multi-academy status, to name just a few key events. My role is now solely Trust related, supporting the CEO, the Trustees and the leadership team as well as assisting and guiding schools and Local Governing Committee Clerks to Governors in many aspects. I provide a professional clerking experience at Trust level for many different stakeholders. More details of the support I provide to Trust colleagues on a day to day basis can be found in the Admin and Governance central service area.
HR Manager
I have been working for Arthur Mellows Village College in an admin leadership role since 2008. I am now HR Manager for the Trust, based at Arthur Mellows, supporting the leadership team in everything personnel, recruitment and HR related. I offer HR and recruitment guidance and support to all Trust colleagues as well as a professional clerking experience when necessary. More details of the support I provide to Trust colleagues on a day to day basis can be found in the HR central service area.
Finance Manager
I moved from accountancy to the role of Finance Manager at Arthur Mellows Village College in 2008. I was part of the school’s conversion to academy status in 2010, formation of the multi-academy trust in 2017 and the growth of the Trust with schools joining, along with the building of two new free schools. I work closely with the CFO overseeing the Trust's finances and payroll, supported by a central finance team and colleagues across the schools. I liaise regularly with our Trustees, Leadership, Headteachers as well as external accountants and consultants.
Leadership Adviser
I have over 30 years of experience in the secondary education sector and 7 years as a Headteacher. My roles and responsibilities within the Four Cs MAT include Trust-wide attendance monitoring and support, Trust procurement to gain best value for money and involvement in complaints procedures.
IT Network Manager
Having qualified from the University of Sheffield with a degree in Software Engineering, I have worked within the Four Cs MAT for almost two decades. In that time there have been fundamental changes in both IT in general and the IT services we offer, but our current specialism is focused on delivering Microsoft 365 cloud services to all staff and students. I am passionate about delivering consistency to our IT approach, whilst embracing the new technologies that are ever-increasingly being developed.
IT Lead
I have worked in education for the last 10 years in the primary setting as a classroom teacher and then progressing into leadership roles. I am currently Vice-Principal at Fulbridge Academy, an outstanding 4-form entry primary school within our Trust. For the last 7 years I have led on IT curriculum and supported other schools with their curriculum design and implementation. As the Trust has grown in size, I have moved towards strategic leadership of IT across our schools, both primary and secondary, working closely with our Trust IT Manager and IT Team to deliver improvements at both school and Trust level. We have a clear vision that IT supports each school’s approach to teaching and learning, allowing our schools to personalise their approach for their students whilst also maximising efficiency and security through shared infrastructure and systems.
Data Lead
I am an experienced school leader with over 10 years of leadership at Arthur Mellows, specialising in fostering student success and driving school improvement. I have a proven track record in data analysis, using insights to implement strategies that enhance student outcomes.
Data Protection Officer
I am a teacher with 20 years experience, based at Arthur Mellows Village College. Over this time I have been a Head of Department and a member of the Senior Leadership Team. I also now assume the role of Data Protection Officer (DPO) due to the skills and attributes I have gained from my various responsibilities; approachability, organisation and confidentiality, to name just a few. The Data Protection Officer role means, even though I am based at one of the Trust’s schools, I have to be fully independent and unbiased. As a Trust we gather, process and store data regularly and it is important to do this within the law. This is where my role comes in. I work with a supportive team across the Trust’s schools who oversee the day to day running of GDPR within their individual schools and call upon me when they need advice or support. I provide training materials with essential information for the Trust schools and check to ensure active compliance. I also build in a cycle of visits to the Trust’s schools across the year and report to the Trust Leadership Team at the end of the year.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
I am Emma Kavanagh, Deputy Headteacher at Arthur Mellows Village College. I am a Mental Health First Aid instructor for MHFA England, a senior mental health lead, Executive Menopause Coach and Safeguarding lead. The Mental Health and Wellbeing lead offers support across the Trust schools in ensuring all stakeholders are supported in mental health and wellbeing provision through specialist training such as Mental Health First Aid (MHFA England), Menopause support and guidance as well as offering guidance on stress management, pregnancy support and sickness absence procedures. Policy support and how to ensure a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing is also key to the support offered in this role.