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  • Curiosity
  • Confidence
  • Courage
  • Constancy
  • Our Vision

    Our Mission Statement
    “There are no heights that cannot be scaled, as we strive to fulfil student potential”

    At the Four Cs Multi Academy Trust we must ignite the student’s imagination and their active, willing and enthusiastic engagement in their learning.

    Our vision is to ensure that every student succeeds; build on what learners already know; make learning vivid and real; make learning an enjoyable experience; and enrich the learning experience that we offer.

    The Trust’s approach enables students to encounter and begin to explore the wealth of human experience through induction into, and active engagement in, the different ways through which humans make sense of their world: through knowledge, intellectual, moral, spiritual, aesthetic, social, emotional and physical experiences. As well as through language, mathematics, science, the humanities, the arts, religion and other ways of knowing and understanding and act upon it.

    ‘Creative Thinking’ is at the heart of the Trust’s approach to learning. We aspire for the students to explore, negotiate, discover and experiment. We want them to speculate, empathise, reflect, collaborate, cooperate and persevere. Students need to show initiative, and demonstrate leadership, teamwork, flexibility, integrity and imagination.

    The Trust wishes to encourage Curiosity, Confidence, Courage and Constancy.

    To facilitate this aspiration, the most important gift we can provide is that of Confidence.

    A photo of 2 students

    Our Mission Statement

    To Enable our Mission, Vision and Aims:

    The Trust aspires to develop students who demonstrate courtesy and good manners. Students who have respect for themselves, their peers, adults and other generations as well as respect for difference, language and the environment both globally and locally. 

    To achieve our vision and aims the Trust will:

    • Work in collaboration with parents and the community.
    • Build on student’s learning outside school, promote high quality professional development and have high expectations of students and adults.
    • Aim to foster appropriate pupil-pupil and pupil-teacher relationships.
    • Use new technologies, base decisions on recognised research and pedagogy.
    • Promote outstanding leadership and governance.

    We need Outstanding Teaching which:

    • Is well organised and planned.
    • Is reflective.
    • Is using a range of assessment, monitoring and recording strategies.
    • Is based on sound subject knowledge.
    • Manages the classroom effectively.
    • Understands student’s developmental needs.
    • Uses exciting and varied approaches.
    • Inspires.
    • Encourages students to become autonomous learners.
    • Facilitates student’s learning.
    • Manages the learning of individuals, groups and whole classes.
    • Stimulates student’s creativity and imagination.
    • Respects and responds to the interests and needs of individual learners.
    • Includes more opportunities for collaborative learning.
    • Involves dialogic teaching approaches to promote higher-order thinking. 

    A photo of a student working with a member of staff

    The Four Cs Multi-Academy Trust aligns itself with the priorities of the Cambridge Primary Review:

    • High Expectations and Excellence that promote teaching that makes a difference
    • Education that promotes Equity and combats Educational Disadvantage
    • Promote expertise through teacher knowledge and outstanding Teaching and Learning
    • Create a stimulating School Environment that supports learning
    • Prioritise and advances assessment
    • Empower Pupil Voice
    • A curriculum that is stimulating, empowering and supported by ‘Evidence based Research’.
    • Connect with the Community.

    The Trust will provide an entitlement to an engaging, rich and relevant curriculum that focuses upon:

    Sustainability, Pedagogy, Voice, Equity, Community, Aims, Curriculum, Assessment.


    The governance of the school is highly effective at securing continued improvement. The Four Cs Academy Trust and Governors ensure that leaders are appropriately challenged and supported to provide a high-quality education to all pupils. (Hampton Vale Primary Academy Ofsted June 2023)